Thursday, July 12, 2007

Good Neighbors

I am so anxious to finish the house! I know, I'm just getting started, but I'm really looking forward to living on Buckingham! Every day I am greeted by many friendly neighbors out going for a walk, or driving by on their way to and from work. Many of them stop by daily to check on my progress, and always have something nice to say. One of our neighbors is also throwing a party for our little street later this month and has invited us!

Yesterday I had another nice neighborly experience. Dad was driving the laborers back and was then going to come back and pick me up. I decided to start walking down Chevy Chase to meet him.
So there I was, covered in dirt, walking down the side of the road and carrying my notebook, my roll of plans, and a gas can. During my short walk, 2 of my future neighbors pulled over and asked my if they could give me a ride!

What a great group of people!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You know what I bet your future neighbors are saying on their blogs? "There's this really amazing guy who planned and designed an amazing house and is building it, HE'S literally building it, right down the street. He's really cool, and I can't wait until he's our neighbor."
I bet that's what THEY are saying!