Thursday, July 12, 2007

First Inspection!

My first inspection happened as scheduled on Tuesday for the Electrical Service pull box and temporary meter.

I called in the morning to verify I was on the Inspectors schedule, then met him at the lot. Everything went well, and he approved it, but told me that I needed to pull a separate permit for the temporary meter! It's funny that they have a combination permit that covers the whole building, all of the plumbing and electrical, yet it doesn't cover the temporary meter that every construction site has! Oh well!
As I was parking at City Hall to get the permit, I got a call from the Glendale Water and Power Inspector who was going to the lot to check out the pull box. I immediately turned around and went back to the lot to meet him. The GWP inspector also approved the installation and said he would set up the crews that would do the hook up. Soon I will have my own power, and can stop relying on the generator!

So there it is, 2 approvals for the same thing in the same day!

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