Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Hot Work

With the garage slab finally poured, I had a few more days of prep before we could start building the walls. First, I needed to cut a ledge in the cliff for a footing that would support the middle of the living-room floor and create a back wall for the utility area.

This was difficult work, requiring me to sometimes stand on the narrow ledge I was cutting, secured by a harness, holding on to a rope with one hand and operating the jackhammer with the other! It was also a very hot week, so the work days had to be shortened so we would not overexert ourselves.

As I cut the ledge, the workers cleared the fallen rock at the other side, then we would switch sides and I would create more of a mess for them! For two days I jackhammered and they shoveled and wheelbarrowed the dirt and rock to the front of the lot. After the pile was almost as high as the gate, I once again had to rent a bobcat and dump truck and hauled dirt out for the next 2 days!

By the end of the week, I was finally ready to start building walls!

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