Saturday, October 27, 2007

Cellar Footings

With the dirt and ICFs cleared from the Cellar level, I was able to lay out this wing of the house more accurately. Because of the complexity of the floorplan and the multiple floor elevations (my own fault, I know!), it took some time to get the angles right, but after double and triple checking my math, I could confidently stake out the corners of the cellar, and how it related to the rest of the house. Over the week, the laborers and I leveled the pad and dug most of the footings.

I also marked out the exact placement of the foyer, and more importantly, the 6 posts that would support the central tower all the way to the roof. (see orange circles below). This as time consuming, and involved lots of triangulation to make sure everything would line up, but I feel pretty good about it all!

Next week we will finish cutting the "key" of the cellar footing, and hopefully get it all inspected!

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